Narum + Mumio CORRECT METABOLISM "Mumio contains about 85 minerals. In traditional Indian medicine, many applications have been attributed to him - t..
Matsun Lactobacterium mazuni "Karine" Str. 2 HEALTHY BACTERIAL FLORA Matsun Lactobacterium mazuni "Karine" Str.2 in the form of capsules is us..
Dietary supplements Narum Caps in the form of capsules is used to maintain the composition and biological activity of the normal intestinal flora..
Narum Caps Lactose Free DURING AND AFTER ANTIBIOTHERAPY Recommended for lactose intolerance and vegans, and also recommended as support for the body ..
Narum sour milk sourdough | HOMEMADE YOGHURT FROM "NARINE" Starter for self-preparation of Narine fermented milk drink, based on Lactobacillus acidop..
Narum Detox DETOXIFYING THE BODY Preparation supporting the cleansing of the body of toxins. 75 Capsules Narum Detox dietary supplement in ..
Narum Fast Caps HEALTHY GUT The most powerful and fastest-acting product for all sudden and severe intestinal dysfunctions. Diet supplement Narum F..
Narum Forte SEALED GUT It supports the stabilization of the intestinal barrier by increasing the number of necessary probiotic bacteria and regenera..
Narum Matsun | ARMENIAN MILK PRODUCT Starter for self-preparation of a fermented milk drink, based on a natural bouquet of Lactobacterium mazuni "Kar..