Brand: HerbShopUK
Tormentil Rhizome (lat.Potentilla Erecta) is an inconspicuous plant, common almost all over Europe. It can be found in clearings, forests, moors and p..
Tormentil Rhizome (lat.Potentilla Erecta) is an inconspicuous plant, common almost all over Europe. It can be found in clearings, forests, moors and peat bogs. It blooms from May to autumn. Contains 14-20% of tannins, the main catechins; phenolic acids, flobaphenes, tormenthol (approx. 1%), essential oil, resin, starch, calcium oxalate, lipid red (flobaphene), phytosterols, phenolic glycosides.
One tablespoon of herb for 1.5 cups of boiling water. Let it stand for 15-20 minutes, then strain and take 1-2 tablespoons several times a day.
Externally decoction
Take 15-20g of raw material pour 1 glass of water, cook for 15 minutes. Set aside to cool, strain and use only externally for compresses and brushing. Do not dilute.
None reported.
Oral use is not recommended in people under 18 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation, due to the lack of research. Externally recommended from the age of 12.
Preparations of the rhizome of cinquefoil, administered orally for a long time, can cause persistent constipation. In higher doses, they may cause slight stomach discomfort and vomiting in susceptible persons. Due to the possibility of interactions in the area of absorption, it is recommended to take other drugs at least one hour before or after the administration of the rhizome of cinquefoil.
Our herbs are certified to not contain allergens and are GMO free, organic. Carefully collected from their wild sites. Free from environmental pollutions.
Packed in a paper pouch with ziplock, heat sealed to preserve the aroma and properties.
FREE SAMPLE (25g) with all purchases of 250g and more. Please send me message with your preferred sample. If I won't get message from you it will be random sample from our other herbs (please see our other items).