Brand: HerbShopUK

Birch Buds

  • Product Code: Birch Buds
  • Availability: 91

Birch Buds (lat. Betulae Gemmae) is found all over the world. The plant was already known in the Slavic region, where it was considered a symbol of li..

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Birch Buds (lat. Betulae Gemmae) is found all over the world. The plant was already known in the Slavic region, where it was considered a symbol of life, fertility and wisdom. Its twigs were used in many rituals and ceremonies. To this day, they are present at four altars and in the temple during the celebration of Corpus Christi in the Roman Catholic church. Birch was supposed to protect against evil spirits, diseases and crop failure. Its twigs were placed in the ground in the fields to ensure a rich harvest. Being among the birch trees is supposed to give you relief and peace. It also restores internal balance. It was believed that resting under this tree would make it more effective and allow you to gain strength.


Health properties

  • Diuretic;
  • Diaphoretic;
  • Anti-oedematous;
  • Anti-inflammatory; 
  • Anti-rheumatic;
  • Detoxifying; 
  • Disinfecting;
  • Anti-arthritic;
  • Cleansing the urinary tract.



  • Rheumatism;
  • Hair strengthening;
  • Nephrolithiasis;
  • Inflammation of the bladder and urethra;
  • General weakness of the body.


Dosage and how to use


Grind the dried birch buds in a coffee grinder or in a mortar. Take a small teaspoon of the powder 2-3 times a day for nutritional, detoxifying and strengthening purposes.

Honey with birch buds

Take a glass of honey, add half a cup of ground birch buds and ¼ cup of alcohol (40%) and mix everything thoroughly. Take a spoonful in the morning and evening. The honey extractor has a disinfecting, detoxifying and strengthening effect.


Side effects

None reported.


It is not recommended to use birch products if you are hypersensitive to birch pollen or birch leaves, urinary tract obstruction, edema caused by kidney and/or heart failure.

Possible side effects of using birch preparations include nausea, allergic reactions (itching, rash, urticaria). In case of undesirable effects, please inform your doctor about them.

When using preparations containing birch, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. If symptoms persist or are accompanied by fever, pain and difficulty urinating, or blood in the urine, see your doctor immediately.


100% natural, organic, no additives.

Our herbs are certified to not contain allergens and are GMO free, organic. Carefully collected from their wild sites. Free from environmental pollutions.

Packed in a paper pouch with ziplock, heat sealed to preserve the aroma and properties.


FREE SAMPLE (25g) with all purchases of 250g and more. Please send me message with your preferred sample. If I won't get message from you it will be random sample from our other herbs (please see our other items).

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