Brand: HerbShopUK
Horse Chestnut (lat. Aesculus Hippocastanum L.) - almost every part of this impressive tree contains extremely valuable and potent substances. In the ..
Horse Chestnut (lat. Aesculus Hippocastanum L.) - almost every part of this impressive tree contains extremely valuable and potent substances. In the flowers of chestnut (but only white), in the bark, unripe fruit, seeds, and also in the leaves, there are triterpene saponins, the most important of which is escin. In addition, they contain flavonoids, coumarins, tannins, and phenolic acids. The seeds also contain sugars, starch, carotenoids, sterols and minerals.
The most valued ingredients for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, due to the high concentration of these valuable substances, are chestnut flowers and bark.
Pour 1 tablespoon of bark with 1 glass of water, boil for 5 minutes (for coloring and strengthening hair: 20-30 minutes), let it stand for 20 minutes, strain. Top up the missing amount of water. Drink cup 3-4 times a day for 1-6 months. After 1-2 months, take a break in the treatment for 1-2 weeks, and then continue the treatment.
None reported.
Due to the lack of research, is not recommended to use during pregnancy and lactating. Kidney diseases are also a contraindication. The escin contained in horse chestnut may increase the toxic effect on the kidneys of aminoglycoside antibiotics and oral anticoagulants. Cephalosporins, in turn, may reduce the plasma protein binding of escin. In the event of hypersensitivity, stomach pains or intestinal cramps, discontinue use of the raw material and consult a doctor.
Our herbs are certified to not contain allergens and are GMO free, organic. Carefully collected from their wild sites. Free from environmental pollutions.
Packed in a paper pouch with ziplock, heat sealed to preserve the aroma and properties.
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