Alder Buckthorn Bark (lat.Frangula Alnus) is one of the most widely used natural laxatives. It is used as a mild laxative, stimulating the peristalsis..
Bladderwrack Algae (lat. Fucus Vesiculosus) is an algae that belongs to the class of brown algae. In nature, it can be found on the shores of many sea..
Dandelion leaf (lat. Taraxacum Officinale) has many medicinal properties. Amongst other things, dandelion has anti-diabetic and potentially anti-cance..
Goldenrod Herb (lat.Solidago Virgaurea L.) known in folk medicine as a goldsmith, golden rod, golden virgin, red mark. It is a species of perennial pl..
Greater Celandine (lat. Chelidonium Majus) from perennial species, from the poppy family, showing numerous healing properties. It has been used in nat..
Mugwort (lat. Artemisia Vulgaris L.) is a plant that blooms from July to October. It often grows along roads, in ditches, by rivers and in areas overg..
Mullein Flower (lat.Verbascum thapsus) also called by some "royal candle" because of its yellow petals, is most often found in wild meadows and fields..
Tormentil Rhizome (lat.Potentilla Erecta) is an inconspicuous plant, common almost all over Europe. It can be found in clearings, forests, moors and p..
White Willow Bark (lat. Salix alba) is considered a natural substitute for aspirin. It is a valuable source of salicylic acid. The spectrum of action ..