Horse Chestnut (lat. Aesculus Hippocastanum L.) - almost every part of this impressive tree contains extremely valuable and potent substances. In the ..
Mugwort (lat. Artemisia Vulgaris L.) is a plant that blooms from July to October. It often grows along roads, in ditches, by rivers and in areas overg..
Swedish Bitters Herbs is a blend of 11 herbs composed by Paracelcus and then rediscovered by Swedish physician Klaus Samst. Only the Austrian doctor M..
White Willow Bark (lat. Salix alba) is considered a natural substitute for aspirin. It is a valuable source of salicylic acid. The spectrum of action ..
Yarrow Herb (lat. Achillea millefolium) is a species of plant from the Asteraceae family. It grows not only in Europe, but also in Asia and North Amer..