Cramp Bark (lat. Viburnum Opulus) Viburnum is a shrub with sumptuous white flowers and tiny red fruits. Due to its appearance, it is eagerly grown in ..
Horse Chestnut (lat. Aesculus Hippocastanum L.) - almost every part of this impressive tree contains extremely valuable and potent substances. In the ..
Horsetail Herb (lat. Equisetum Arvense L.) is a plant whose properties have long been used in natural medicine. Despite the fact that it is often call..
Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris L.) is a perennial plant belonging to the rose family. It has long been used in folk medicine, but its properties a..
White Dead Nettle (lat. Lamium Album L.) is a perfect example that what most of us would consider a weed sometimes turns out to be a valuable medicina..