Alder Buckthorn Bark (lat.Frangula Alnus) is one of the most widely used natural laxatives. It is used as a mild laxative, stimulating the peristalsis..
Birch Bark (lat. Betulae Cortex L.) recently, birch bark extracts have become more and more popular. Birch bark is distinguished by an exceptionally h..
Cramp Bark (lat. Viburnum Opulus) Viburnum is a shrub with sumptuous white flowers and tiny red fruits. Due to its appearance, it is eagerly grown in ..
Horse Chestnut (lat. Aesculus Hippocastanum L.) - almost every part of this impressive tree contains extremely valuable and potent substances. In the ..
Oak Bark (lat. Quercus robur cortex) is widely used in medicine as an antiseptic and hemostatic agent, used to treat toothache and gastropathy, as wel..
White Willow Bark (lat. Salix alba) is considered a natural substitute for aspirin. It is a valuable source of salicylic acid. The spectrum of action ..