Birch Leaf (lat. Betulae L.) is a herb found all over the world. The plant was already known in the Slavic region, where it was considered a symbol of..
Blackcurrant Leaf (lat. Ribes Nigrum L.) it has long been used in folk medicine. Polish researchers from the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław ha..
Coltsfoot Leaf (lat. Tussilago Farfara) is a popular perennial that occurs naturally throughout Europe, Asia, the mountainous areas of North America a..
Cowberry Leaf (Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea L.) - if you are looking for a superberry, cowberry is one of them because it is packed with antioxidants and bod..
Dandelion leaf (lat. Taraxacum Officinale) has many medicinal properties. Amongst other things, dandelion has anti-diabetic and potentially anti-cance..
English Plantain Leaf (lat. Plantago Lanceolata L.) is a plant that has been used in natural medicine for centuries. Throughout history, attempts were..
Crataegus is from the Greek κράτος kratos strength and άκης akis sharp, referring to the thorns of some ..
Raspberry Leaf (lat. Rubus Idaeus) has been used in traditional folk medicine for many years as a remedy for many ailments. They are characterized by ..
White Mulberry Leaf (lat. Morus Alba) is a valuable plant with properties appreciated by scientists. White mulberry leaf contains substances tha..