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Everything you want to know about our herbs, probiotics and health.
by HerbShopUK
Mullein is used in herbal medicine. Thanks to its health-promoting properties, it can support the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bile ducts. It is also used to treat menstrual disorders. Large-flowered mullein grows wild, for example in meadows and fields. Mullein flowers have many medicinal properties. However, they are very delicate and must therefore be harvested with great care.
by HerbShopUK
Wormwood is called the lord's herb, vermouth, absinthe, and dog's rue. It grows in all conditions and can often be seen in fields. It flowers in mid to late April and is then suitable for harvesting, which is then dried and the raw material left for infusion. Brewed wormwood has many health-promoting properties. It has been used for centuries for digestive problems and female ailments. Occasionally, it can also be poisonous. What do you need to know about wormwood?
by HerbShopUK
Marshmallow is a plant very well known in folk medicine and used in home-made cough syrups. Marshmallow syrup is beneficial in fighting upper respiratory tract infections, but it can also help with gastrointestinal diseases or skin inflammations. Marshmallow also has some contraindications and not every person can benefit from the medicinal properties of this plant.